AOL UK Privacy Policy Highlights
This is our new look privacy policy as of February 20th, 2014. No substantive changes have been made as to what we can do with your data from our previous privacy policy.
This notice provides highlights of the full privacy policy and covers the collection and use of information when you use the AOL or Huffington Post UK branded websites, services, and software (collectively the "AOL Services") and other content and offerings from AOL (UK) Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies (together "AOL") ("AOL", "We" and "Us"), as well as any websites owned by or affiliated with AOL and operating under different names.
Personal Information
We or data processors acting under our control may collect information which may identify you or your AOL account ("Personal Information") when you make your information known, such as by registering or logging into AOL or the Huffington Post UK, authenticating, making purchases, or interacting with AOL.
If you do not make yourself known to AOL, your use of our content and services is generally anonymous.
How we use your Information
Your Personal Information is used to operate and improve our services, fulfill your requests and communicate with you, conduct research, and personalise the content and advertisements provided to you when you use AOL.
Internet Advertising
Our ability to provide the AOL Services depends on advertising provided by our advertising services offered by AOL affiliates, such as AOL Advertising (the "AOL Advertising Network"). Some of the adverts on the AOL Services are displayed based on the page visited, but many of the adverts provided by the AOL Advertising Network are targeted to you based on your interests and other information we have about you. We want you to understand how internet advertising works and offer resources and choices. Learn more .
The AOL Services rely on the use of cookies. A cookie is a piece of data that a website stores on your device so it can recognize it at a later time.