Binary Options Trading
Binary options trading is fast, fun and exciting. The returns are huge. And the trades are fast.
It’s risky, too. But what isn’t nowadays? Let’s get to it, here is our top list of the best binary options trading sites .
Binary Options Trading Sites
The trading websites where you actually place your binary option trades are companies and businesses designed to offer you the trade. If you win they lose and if you lose they win. That means it is in their best interest to make sure that over the long haul they win the majority of trades. However, they want you to trade large volumes. You can and will win some trades and experienced traders can stack the deck in their favor by learning winning strategies. If you are new to the idea of trading binaries. read the binary option trading guide for dummies. You can learn more about these brokers by clicking on each review.
About Binary Options Trading Websites
You can lose money trading binary options and plenty of traders do. You can also make money.
A lot of money.
The average returns you can get on a typical binary option trade are between 75% -85%.
Invest $100 with a return of 85%. If you win you get your $100 back plus $85 more. You win.
And the trades can last as little as 60 seconds (only available at Banc De Binary or TradeRush ).
Compare that to a typical stock market investment. How long would it take to turn $100 into $185?
So, since you can make money fast you can also lose money fast.
You need to only trade at the legit trading sites that offer you a fair trade and when you win, you want to know that you can easily get your money. This is the biggest reasons it is critical to pick a good binary options broker.
How To Use Multiple Binary Options Trading Sites
You want to have accounts with at least two if not three different trading sites. Why? Because the returns fluctuate.
It is leaving money on the table if you do not compare at least a two brokers. At least check the returns and go with the one that suits you best for this particular trade.
Binary Option Trading Sites – Reputation Is King
Binary trading sites are relatively young. The first global broker, AnyOption, launched in 2009.
They gave the little guy like myself the opportunity to buy binary option and trade like they big boys did.
AnyOption is a great broker and one of our favorites. The returns are not the highest but they offer a rebate on losses. This rebate is very nice for a higher volume small amount trader like myself. I’m not looking to hit that one big score, but rather to make a volume of trades to grow the bankroll. The rebates mean I can be right less often but still make a profit.
Today, in 2013, the best binary brokers that have kept a positive reputation over the past few years have created a nice selection of safe binary options brokers.
This binary broker competition is excellent for you the trader because that keeps them competiting for your business! They make sure to take care of you, they offer you nice deposit bonuses and the good ones work hard at keeping you happy and trading with them.
Top Binary Trading Sites Today
Today, everyone can trade binary options. From the small time investor who is looking to turn a couple hundred bucks into a couple thousand, to the high flying trader making thousand dollar moves like it is nothing.
Binary options is how trading is done today.
You can get started by making the minimum deposits at 24Option and Banc De Binary and getting them to set up a demo trading account to practice with. Learn the ropes, get your binary trading legs underneath you and make the dive to trading for real money!
Trading Resources
binarytrading. org – solid overview of how to get started trading
nadex – chicago based binary options broker
xe – currency convertor
freestockcharts – free candlestick charts
TradeRush – Excellent place to trade – Get started in less than 3 minutes