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Binary Options Trading is based on the trader’s anticipation of the price movement of the underlying asset. The trader has several tools in his disposal in order to make a decision about the assets price direction. Due to the fact that traders only need to speculate the direction of the price movement and not the extent. This makes the binary options trading a veryВ Appealing and some will say “simple” way to make money. Due to the fact that the assets in question are considered short term security options every bid can influence the assets price direction. There are companiesВ who deliberately try to influence the value of the asset in order to make a profit for themselves. It means that if the broker you are dealing with also trade’s for himself and he has an interest in a specific asset he might try to steer the prices in the direction he want by suggesting to his clients to buy or sell the options on the asset.
Another way Binary brokers scam customers is with the old “Disappearing” trick. The customers are offered many perks and gifts if they will open a Trading account and deposit money in it. Some brokers might tell you that you will get a 100% return on your investment, В but when the trader does make a profit the company does not credit his account wit the right amount he deserves or with any amount at all. В Some companies might be a complete scam and there’s no one behind the company to talk to, they just collect you money and disappear.
Although Binary Option trading is a great way to earn extra money or even to becomeВ the main income there are a lot of brokers, platforms and brands out there and you should know what you are getting into. As the binary options trading Industry has grown the scams has grown with it. В Here you will find all the information you need in order to trade safe and smart.